Last updated: February, 2007.

The Epistle of Paul

to the Galatians.

Outline Notes

with annotations by Thomas V. Taylor


John Grauley


45 pages,

This electronic edition was prepared by Dr. David C. Bossard
from original documents.

February, 2007.

Electronic Version Copyright © 2007 by Mr. John Grauley. All Rights Reserved.

Cover Letter

I. Introduction and Outline.
002  003

II. The Denunciation 1:6-9.  004  005

III. Paul's Apostolic Authority 1:11-24; 2:1-4. 006  007

IV. Peter's Blunder 2:14-21. 008  009

V.  Paul's Vindication of the Gospel. 3:1-4:31.

A. Argument from the Experience of the Galatian Christians. 3:1-5.  010  011

B. Argument from Scripture 3:6-29.

1. Abraham and his True Children (6-9) 012  013

2. The Curse Removed (10-14)  014  015

3. The Promise of the Law  016  017  018

C. Argument from Analogy. 4:1-11. 019  020  021

D. Personal Appeal 4:12-20. 022  023  024

E. Argument from Allegory 4:21-31. 025  026

VI. Paul's Application of the Gospel 5:1-6:18.

A. Exhortation to Stand Firm in Christ 5:1-12. 027  028  029

 B. Exhortation to Love One Another 5:13-26.  030  031

C. Exhortation to Walk in the Spirit 5:16-26.  032  033  034  035

D,  Exhortation to Christian Responsibility 6:1-10.  036 037  038

VII. Conclusion and Benediction 6:11-18. 039  040



Romans 6:1-14. 041  042  043

Romans 6:15-23. 044  045       


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Last updated: February, 2007.